Traditional Cuisine
Local flavours: tahonas with firewood "jornu" and quality Iberian pork products.
Don´t leave Serradilla without trying “la pringá”, a well-known traditional sweet dish, and the patatera, a traditional pork and potato sausage. These and other products are the cornerstones of the traditional cuisine of the region, and leave no one indifferent.
One of the hallmarks of this town are its artisan products. Two main elements stand out:
- Tahonas with firewood jornu: Oakwood oven fires, together with quality ingredients, give sweets, breads and other dishes a special and inimitable flavour. There are two tahonas in the town: the “Tahona D'arriba” and the “Panadería Félix Bravo”.
- Iberian pork products: There are two establishments dedicated to the production of Iberian pork products in the town: "Embutidos Serradilla" and "Carnicería Edmundo y Soraya".
Both source most of their raw material (Iberian pig) from the pastures around Monfragüe, and, through the production of quality products, contribute to the continuation of traditional activities in the region.
- La Tahona D’arriba: C/ Rincón de Palermo, 1, Serradilla (Cáceres). 927 407 128.
- Félix Bravo Bakery: C/Álamo, 143, Serradilla (Cáceres). 927 407 042.
- Embutidos Serradilla (Sausages): C/Hernán Cortés, 11, Serradilla (Cáceres). 927 407 003.
- Carnicería Edmundo y Soraya (butcher shop): Avda. de San Antonio, 21, Serradilla (Cáceres). 927 407 053.
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